I'm a Dad!
For around a week or so now.
A tough journey so far, but a fulfilling one with my Dearest.
We will pull through this.
Goals of the Day:
- Finalize the external review slides
- Achieved
- Work on deliverable report
- Not Achieved
- Make a list of things to do at work according to priority
- Not Achieved
- Iron 7 pieces of clothes
- Not Achieved
- Interact with baby
- Not Achieved
- Chit Chating with Dearest
- Achieved
Looks like I gotta work harder at not OT-ing at office in order to achieve what I want.
Today's Wins:
- Finalized slides
- Interaction with Dearest
Today's Losses:
- OT in office
- Didn't do housework
- Didn't interact with baby much
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
- Dearest giving her 101% in being a mother and wife
- Ah Bun feeding, peeing and pooing well