Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Day #897 - New Dad On The Block

I'm a Dad!
For around a week or so now.

A tough journey so far, but a fulfilling one with my Dearest.

We will pull through this.

Goals of the Day:
  • Finalize the external review slides
    • Achieved
  • Work on deliverable report
    • Not Achieved
  • Make a list of things to do at work according to priority
    • Not Achieved
  • Iron 7 pieces of clothes
    • Not Achieved
  • Interact with baby
    • Not Achieved
  • Chit Chating with Dearest
    • Achieved
Looks like I gotta work harder at not OT-ing at office in order to achieve what I want.

Today's Wins:
  • Finalized slides
  • Interaction with Dearest
Today's Losses:
  • OT in office
  • Didn't do housework
  • Didn't interact with baby much
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Dearest giving her 101% in being a mother and wife
  • Ah Bun feeding, peeing and pooing well

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Day #884 - Fighting Through Bad Days

Had a bad day yesterday after completing an important update at work.
Might be because the feeling of fulfillment or satisfaction wasn't there after having spent so much time and effort, to the extent of sacrificing personal time to finishing the task.

It makes me feel, I would leave here eventually.

But as of now, it's okay.
I will fight through all these feelings.
And work towards what fulfills me.

Goals of the Day:

  • Complete the project's internal review slides at work
  • Pack the hospital bag
  • Iron
  • Clear out at least 3 baby items from BR3