Saturday, March 25, 2017

Another milestone. Another step forward.

A few weeks back, I started to toy with the idea of setting up a wordpress website myself for to get myself more committed on developing the financial aspects of my life. And after brainstorming some names and some discussion with Dearest, I went on to set it up on last Wednesday night!

It's something new for me. Usually, I would just go for the free and convenient choice, like this blogspot. haha.. but I would want endeavor to be more professional, so I decided to go for wordpress, with my own domain name. 

The contents that I will be working on that financial blog, would be the things that are relevant to my current life trajectory, like savings account, cpf, hdb loan, etc. I'm not sure how things will go, or whether would I have enough contents (and motivation) to keep that blog going, but I think it's good to just try it out first! I believe those contents are worth sharing, and they would benefit those who come across. 

As a young adult in Singapore, it's not easy earning money while trying to save up for future plans (e.g. wedding, house, family), and also preparing to support our aging parents. All these, and the desire to gain financial independence, is pushing me more and more as I approach my 30 years of living.

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