Thursday, January 2, 2020

Day #962 - 1st Work Day

Decide what to do.
Write it down.
Make a plan.
Do it every day.

Sounds quite straightforward.

Goals of the Day:
  • Review past year's resolutions (a bit late for this, but I still wanna do it)
    • Achieved
  • This year's resolutions
    • Not Achieved
Year 2019 Resolutions:
  1. To start trying for a baby with Dearest - Achieved
    • Tried, and gotten it within the year. Woohoo~! haha..
  2. To go on a romantic getaway with Dearest - Not Achieved
    • Wanted to plan a short getaway before Bun comes along, but we were late in planning. And the one we planned for was during the 7th month, and the only good thing there was the private pool. So in the end, we didn't go.
  3. To strive to be an affectionate and loving husband - Achieved
    • Hopefully, from the eyes of Dearest
  4. To help mum and dad - Achieved
    • I think they helped themselves more than I helped them, which I'm grateful for.
  5. To continue to spend time with mum regularly - Achieved
    • Less towards the end of the year as I got real busy with taking care of Dearest and Bun
  6. To find a common activity with Dad to spend time with him - Not Achieved
    • Still not sure what to do together with Dad.
  7. To schedule time to meet friends regularly (guys, John, e4, psych, army) - Not Achieved
    • Tried to do so, but it's not easy to gather all. Even mahjong was only 5 sessions in total this year. This's a record in my life.
  8. To get started on the adventure of JMaths and see how it can evolve - Achieved
    • I took the leap of faith and created a website to contain a database of maths solutions (though not a lot at the moment), and conducted public tuition within my estate. Only had 1 regular 'customer', but that was enough to feel rather fulfilled.
  9. To do regular financial research and update A2RY blog at least once per month - Not Achieved
    • Just didn't have the energy and time to do
  10. To research and execute financial decisions that would benefit the family - Achieved
    • Deliberated on the purchase of a car through reviewing and predicting family expenditure, and also deliberate and bought extra insurance to financially secure my family (term plan with critical illness)
  11. To finish the only course of Mobile App Development - Not Achieved
    • Delayed for many years.
  12. To create and publish one app on Google Play Store - Not Achieved
    • Delayed for many years
  13. To make time to play hard - Achieved
    • Still had some time to play badminton regularly and VR games once in a while
  14. To plan a short solo hiking trip - Not Achieved
    • After Dearest got pregnant early in the year, it was quite tough on her physical state. So I made the decision to stop all travels away from her.
  15. To reach an investment portfolio of $50K - Not Achieved
    • Stopped my regular investment because I needed the cashflow for Bun
  16. To reach $50K in savings - Not Achieved
    • Kinda had to drop this after buying the car. haha..
  17. To plan my time religiously - Not Achieved
    • I did make an effort here and there, but I felt that I could do a lot better
  18. To build a habit of meditation - Not Achieved
    • Didn't make this a habit
  19. To reduce my weight to 63kg - Not Achieved
    • Only managed to reduce my weight to 64kg+. But still, it was something, having went up to 67kg
  20. To read 6 books - Not Achieved
    • Read 3 books I think. need to read a lot more vigourously.
In summary:
  • Achieved: 7
  • Not Achieved: 13
Although I didn't manage to clear even half of my resolutions, I still feel that I have worked quite hard, for my goals, my family, and myself.

It's getting a bit late. I gotta get some shut-eye before bun wakes up later for feed.
I shall do this year's resolutions tomorrow!! or maybe during the weekend. haha..

Today's Wins:
  • Reviewed last year's resolutions
  • Managed to be less distracted at work
Today's Losses:
  • Stayed up a bit later than I should
  • Didn't manage to spend quality time with Dearest
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • My MIL for coming to help with taking care of Bun
  • Dearest for being proactive in handling the house chores together with me
  • Bun's smile when he saw me after I came home from work

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