Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My attempt at another experience - Urban Attack 4!

Over the last weekend, I did another thing that I have never tried before in my life - attempting an urban attack obstacles course!

I signed up for it shortly after I have completed my Spartan Super (did it on 7 May 2016), which by the way, I have been trying to squeeze time to produce a video footage for the race. It will probably take some time (actually, it will take a long time because I'm rather busy during this period, with the project deliverable coming and stuff).

The night before I was quite excited about this event. perhaps a bit too excited, until I found it difficult to fall asleep. haha.. I was kinda worried about overcoming the obstacles, especially the monkey bars, but also looking forward to conquering them. I'm not that old, but I kinda feel like a young boy again, taking on these new experiences.

Dearest specially woke up early in the morning to accompany me to the event at Velocity@Novena to support me, to be my cheerleader, and to massage my sore muscles while we were waiting waiting for my 2nd run =)

Here's the 1st run!

I had some troubles getting over the curved wall; scrapped both my knees and elbows as I slided down the wall from the 1st attempt. Then I nearly failed at the monkey bars, twice! the shaking of the structure kinda makes me misjudge the position of the next bar. But luckily, I managed to not fall and still continue on! I was completely exhausted after completing the run, but it felt great! 2:02 min. not bad, not bad at all.

Took my time to rest and recuperate, with Dearest massaging my back as we waited for 2nd run.

The 2nd run was much more smoother, as I did a few changes to my run; giving myself more distance to get speed up the curved wall, reaching further to compensate for the misjudge of the shaking of the structure when I did the monkey bars. Managed to clear it faster! 1:45 min. Woo~

Though not enough to enter the finals, I'm more than satisfied to have completed the challenge, twice, and improving my timing on the 2nd run. $20 well spent~

Ever since I started on Spartan Race (Sprint) 2015, I seemed to have been hooked on getting myself challenged on these kind of events. Because I have already signed for the next one... which is...


I have signed up for Spartan Beast!
It will happen on 19 Nov, in Bintan.
I took a while to consider this, but finally I thought, wthell~
Dearest gave me her support for this also >_<

Looking forward to this race.

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