Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Finally, a brokerage account!

A few days back, my brokerage account finally got through! So now, officially, I can trade. Hee.

I'm no expert, but on the surface, it seems that because of the recent Brexit, the market is quite volatile. Might not be a good time to get into it at the moment. oh well, let me observe further and think through carefully how to go about doing this.

I guess in general, the route to being able to trade can be summarized into 2 main steps:

1) Get a CDP account

Download the form.
Prepare whatever documents are needed.
Send in through snail mail; email doesn't seem like an option.
Wait for confirmation of account.

2) Get a brokerage account

Choose which brokerage firm you want to open up the account with.
Go to the bank and tell the person you want to open up a brokerage/trading account.
Wait for confirmation of account.

It's that simple, though I took some time to decide which brokerage firm to open up the account with.

Might be able to open up accounts with different firms, not that sure. Anyway I got rejected by Standard Chartered Bank because on the form, it requires me to have knowledge on trading or financial background in order to open up an account with them. I have read on forum that you can just fake your way through and they won't be care, but I'm more inclined to say the truth and seek alternatives, even though the fees for SC is lower.

I have signed up with OCBC. So now on a daily basis, I get emails from my broker on market research. I have saved the emails that talked about ETF and dividends, because this is what I'm looking for in the long term. Will look into it in the near future!

Staying at home today because my throat is infected again.
This is the 3rd time in a short span of 2 months.
I'm beginning to think that the free flu vaccination jab is giving me more problems.
It might make me immune to flu, but it definitely doesn't make my throat infection less probable.

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