Monday, July 4, 2016

Financial Goals~!

As the date of the July bonus draws nearer, I began to think more about what to do with the extra money that I have. I have almost maxed up my savings account to earn the bonus interest, so I'm thinking of using the excess for investment in stocks. 

And just today, Dearest came to me to ask me to set ...

Yes! Financial goal!
I believe everyone needs to have financial goals for long-term planning.
And to set goals, we need to set some rules also.

As advocated by my company, and also Dearest, we need to set....

SMART goals!
Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

So here's what I aimed to do.

To attain a portfolio of $5,000 worth of stocks that provide dividends 
by the end of year 2016

Specific - It's a rather detailed aim
Measurable - $5,000 can be measured
Attainable - $,5000 is within my ability for investment
Relevant - Aligned with my ultimate financial goal of attaining financial freedom (i.e. retirement)
Time-bound - By the end of 2016

So that's it, I will aim towards this!

On the other hand, Dearest also committed to an aim of starting her first investment by the end of year.
Although not as specific as mine, but she plans to explore other alternatives with a financial advisor, and then perhaps plan from there on.

Jiayou us~!

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