Monday, March 2, 2020

Day #1022 - Outsourcing

A recent theme of my life is to think about outsourcing the tasks I have.
Dearest recommended engaging someone to help with ironing.
It is a great idea! For the price and the time saved.
But unfortunately, with the recent event of COVID-19, we both thought it's better to come back to this at a later date.

It's Bun's first day at infant care.
Slightly emotional to leave him in the arms of another.
But it's also comforting to know he's in good hands, and liberating to have some time to ourselves, both me and Dearest.
I guess it could also be considered outsourcing the tasks for taking care of Bun.
We may have less time for Bun, but I think overall, the quality of being with him will improve as we will be more energized to interact with him on the weekends =)

Goals of the Day:
  • Day's planning
    • Achieved
  • Week's planning
    • Achieved
  • Iron x 3
    • Achieved
  • Trim Bun's nails
    • Not Achieved
  • Prepare IFC bag for tml
    • Not Achieved
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • A reassuring infant care centre, both principal and teachers of various levels, to take care of Bun
  • Dearest for taking care of Bun for the past 4 months at home
  • Teachers commenting that Bun was a nice baby to take care of

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