Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Life's Motivation

Woke up feeling reluctant to get out of bed and get to work. The thought to myself was, "ah... work again..."
So I thought to myself,

"If work doesn't gives me motivation, 
let the other aspects of life do."

This was enough to get me seated upright, did a couple of deep breathing, and got my ass off the bed to wash up.

While I tried to search through the web for an inspirational quote about my morning insight, nothing came up. Isn't that strange? Could I be the first to think of life this way?

And then I realized, that perhaps this insight could only be a temporary vindication. Work is a large part of our adult lives, and if work is not a passion, am I doing what I'm advocating? To live my life? It's an ongoing question that I struggle with from time to time; mostly when I'm lazy to crawl out of bed to get to the office.

Everyone wants to strive for a good balance in their life. Yet, wanting and working towards it, are completely two independent matters. The first is just a desire (and maybe a bit of a daydream), while the other require courage, effort, and a game plan.

May I strive towards passion, and not stress.

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