Monday, February 27, 2017

Plotting out my expenses for 2017 (First 8 weeks)

I have been recording my every expenses in life, as much as I can remember, for around 3 years + now. Although I have the data at hand, I didn't really commit time to do anything with it.

So, as for a start, since 8 weeks have passed for the year 2017, I have decided to just quickly conjure up some graphs for quick observation of the trends.

Tada~! After so many years of putting in effort to record, I did up only the recent 8 weeks of data. haha..  Still, it's a start.

The graph only showed 4 categories, which are the 4 most common categories that I usually record. There are another 10 more, but most are rather fixed expenditure like income tax, or have rare occurrences like medical. I will just leave them out first and see how I can better illustrate them as I go along.

Let's see some averages:

Categories Average
Food & Beverages $106.22
Transport $37.00
Leisure $15.24
Shopping $81.63
Total $240.09

The F&B trend seems rather stable across the 8 weeks, and seemingly dropping recently. But unfortunately, not for my weight. The transport fee increased a bit over Week 5 to 7 due to some uber/cab. The spike in Week 3 for shopping was for a CNY hamper for Dearest's family, and my CNY clothes, and a personal shopping item - a packable 28L backpack from matador. I think this kinda hiked up the average quite a lot. haha.. As for leisure, also quite minimal expenditure I must say.

The average expenditure for these common categories are only at $240, which means the monthly average is around $1K. Yet, my monthly expenses, together with all the other categories, always go beyond $2K++. hmm... WHY?! What did I spend my other $1K (or ++) on ??

Maybe next week I would do a more detailed analysis, with more categories included.

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