Monday, February 20, 2017

Wedding Plan - Part 3

Through the discussion with friends and colleagues, I kinda got the idea that we would need to book our Justice of Peace rather urgently because the popular ones would be taken up. So as we pondered over which bridal studio and package to take up, we also went to ask for the availability of some popular and bilingual JOPs.

Our criteria were fairly straightforward.

1) Bilingual - Important because her dad and my mum don't really know english well

2) Good reviews - Always a good thing to know that other couples liked the way he did the ceremony

3) Humorous - Good to enjoy a few laughs here and there to make the whole ceremony more enjoyable 

4) Fatherly look - Just because it looks more appropriate for the occasion. haha..

It didn't took us long to find Mr Zenon Teh, who fulfilled all the above criteria, and was also free for our wedding date.

And in the process of finding JOPs, we realized we might have been a bit kiasu to book a JOP one year in advance. haha..

But hey, that's still one thing down!


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