Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Day #567 - Just Take The Step

Often times, I strive for the perfect move.
And because of this, I contemplated intensely before I make the next move.
When there's doubt, I would freeze in my path.
But this shouldn't be the case.

There is no right or wrong path.
And knowing of it can only be done after I have walked way past it.

Take the next footing, take the next step.
A constant reminder that things don't have to be perfect for me to progress.

Goals of the Day:
  • Housewarming preparations (Select menu, book buffet, inform family and relatives)
    • Achieved for Menu
  • List out the things I can do for each aspect of Career
    • Not Achieved
  • Create the Excel spreadsheet for 1 vendor for OEM comparison
    • Achieved
  • Household chores (iron)
    • Achieved
Made a bad move of nua-ing in front of the TV with Dearest to watch The Final Table.
In the end Dearest had to remind me that I should go do my things. haha..
Managed to rush out some goals before bed time.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Finalized menu
  • Created spreadsheet
  • Ironed clothes
Today's Small Losses:
  • Still haven't develop the habit of meditation yet
  • Didn't book buffet and inform family and relatives
  • Didn't do career planning
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Dearest seems largely okay even though she is sick, except for her throat
  • Dearest's help on the housewarming preparations 

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