Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Day #813 - What The Rich Does

To succeed in life, the focus on effective work must be prioritized over leisure indulges.

Goals of the Day:
  • Finish publishing the questions for 1 x Maths paper on blog
    • Achieved
  • Conduct a good tuition session
    • N.A.
  • Video solutions for 1 x question
    • Not Achieved
  • Find wordpress plugins for searching categories
    • Achieved
Didn't manage to find a suitable widget for the wordpress plugins, but made do with 1 I found.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Published 1 x Maths paper on blog
  • Put in efforts for wordpress plugin
  • Quality time chatting with Dearest
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't do video solutions
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Being able to get a grab hitch home
  • Dearest comforting me to sleep
  • Securing our COE at first bid

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