Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Day #847 - I Can Take More

It's always a struggle to find out where you are on a spectrum.
There aren't many indicators per se, until you're on the extreme ends of the spectrum.

Goals of the Day:
  • Finalize ezBuy items
    • Achieved
  • Finalize insurance plans to purchase
    • Not Achieved
  • Do weekly plan of personal goals
    • Not Achieved
  • Iron
    • Achieved
  • Exercise (15 min)
    • Not Achieved
Today's Wins:
  • ezBuy items
  • Ironed
Today's Losses:
  • Didn't finalize insurance plan
  • Didn't do weekly planning
  • DIdn't exercise
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Being with my cute and adorable Dearest
  • Playful interaction with BunBun
  • Having a car to ferry the family around

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