Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Day #848 - Pain and Sacrifice

Pain in my left upper back and left neck.
Not sure whether was it a result of poor sleep posture, or just over-strain in my daily sitting posture.

Goals of the Day:
  • Finalize insurance plans
    • Not Achieved
  • Weekly planning
    • Not Achieved
  • Financial administration
    • Not Achieved
  • Have a good public tuition
    • Achieved
Spent the evening conducting the tuition and then looking at the $$ figures for the insurance packages.

Today's Wins:
  • Had a good tuition
  • Focused time on thinking about insurance requirements
Today's Losses:
  • Didn't do weekly plan
  • Didn't do financial administration
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Dearest helped to save time by going to buy dinner when I was late in picking her up
  • BunBun's powerful kicks, showing Dearest and me that he is healthy

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