Saturday, February 15, 2020

Day #1006 - Past 1000 Days

It has passed 1000 days since I started trying to set daily goals for myself.
I didn't do it religiously every day, but at least I think fulfilled around 75% of the time?

So according to the quote, I should be considered a BEGINNER now at scheduling my life.
which I really feel I am.

So, it's time to become a master.

Goals of the Day:

  • Finish off the planning for the actionables for my new year resolutions and plan my weekly schedule according to it
  • Search for habit tracking/goals settings template for Trello

Things to be Grateful for Today:

  • Dearest reminding me gently about what is important in life (i.e. not gaming on my mobile phone)
  • Dearest taking care of the little one so that I could get some exercise done

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