Monday, February 24, 2020

Day #1015 - Standing Alone

Often times I find myself standing alone in the path that I have chosen.
But at least now, I have the company of my Dearest and BunBun.

Goals of the Day:
  • Complete the habits/goals tracking for Trello
    • Achieved
  • Day planning
    • Not Achieved
  • Week planning
    • Not Achieved
  • Restart the daily habits (meditate)
    • Not Achieved
  • Complete the Spartan Virtual Challenge
    • Not Achieved
Spent the evening brainstorming ideas with Dearest on how to continue her challenging journey of breastfeeding. 
Didn't have time afterwards to work on my goals, but it was an essential conversation for the family =)
And we found a workable solution!

Stupidly signed up for the Spartan Virtual Challenge, only to realize the submission date is tomorrow.
And after filming myself completing 3/4 set, and with the requirements to do 4 sets, I kinda gave up on the challenge.
Wasted almost $20. -_-

Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Prompt advice from a colleague on breastmilk storage information
  • Bun Bun for not fussing too much during the night feed
  • Coke from colleague

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