Monday, February 8, 2016

Archiving my progress in learning Java

It has been around 3 months since I have started on my journey in learning Java through the e-book, ThinkJava (ver 5.1.2).

Though the questions are fun and sometimes challenging, it also means that I have experienced my frustrations in testing my codes and running into trouble with them, without knowing what is wrong, or how to do certain things.

Whenever I felt that I need some guidance, I would turn to Google. However, solutions for this e-book seemed to be quite hard to find. Some of the solutions can be found from a Google Code Archive I found off Google, but the solutions are not that well-organized until I could easily maneuver the site to find the right solutions.

Therefore, in lieu of this gap of information on the web (or my lack of ability to search through the web), I have decided to create a new blog to archive my solutions!
It's both for me to keep track of my progress, and for those who are in the same predicament as me, lost and wandering in the sea of Java codes.

And so...

Here it is! ThinkJava Solutions

It can be access through the horizontal bar in this blog also.

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