Monday, February 15, 2016

Financial considerations for my future with Dearest

Valentine's day has just passed!
Dearest and I didn't really celebrate it, but we spent quality time with each other =)
Part of it was an impromptu discussion on our financial needs for our wedding and BTO, both of which would be coming in early 2018.

Here's a rough calculation of the budget that we think we would need:

  • Banquet - $30K
  • Bridal package - $5K
  • Actual day costs (Photographer, Videographer, etc) - $5K
  • Wedding band - $1K
Total = $41K


Total = $45K


Total = $25K


Total = $101K

A whopping $101K cost that we both have to prepare for our wedding and our house.
Of course, this is still a rough estimate, and there are other things that we haven't take into account such as the hong baos that we are going to get back during the wedding banquet.

Based on our current savings, we could barely cover this cost when it really comes. haha..
Maybe when the date draws closer, the budget will be a bit more clear.

Will come back to this when we are really planning for it! =)

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