Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Day #86 - 2 weeks away from trip

There are only limited number of work days left for me to do my work before I leave for the trip.
It feels like there are a lot to do, but I'm not progressing much.
It's rather worrying.
And therefore, I will commit to making my holiday a worry-free one by completing what I need to do before I fly.

Goals of the Day:

  1. Set out work tasks to accomplish before flying
    • Done
  2. Read through the manual of Mavic Pro
    • Done
  3. 1 Lesson on App Dev Course
    • Done
The 1 lesson on app dev course took me 1h+. 
Haha.. Sometimes, it's better not to underestimate the time and effort to self-learn.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Did 1 lesson on App Dev!
  • Read through Mavic Pro manual to learn about the functions
  • Helped dad advertised online for getting relief taxi driver
  • Meditate (going to, after so many days of not doing it)
Today Small Losses:
  • Sleeping late
  • Woke up late

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