Monday, June 1, 2020

Day #1113 - Start of Month

Goals of Jun 2020:
  • [Personal] Complete all P6 SA2 2019 Maths papers solutions
    • Status: 2/15
  • [Personal] Meditate regularly
    • Status: /30
Goals of Week 23, 2020:
  • [Personal] Complete 4 maths papers solutions
    • Status: 2/4
  • [Personal] Meditate regularly
    • Status: /7
  • [Work] Draft workflow out
    • Status: Not Started
Goals of the Day:
  • [Personal] 1 x maths paper solutions + upload
    • Achieved
  • [Family] Have a good day taking care of Bun by myself
    • Achieved
  • [Work] Reply colleague on conference application
    • Achieved
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Bun being cooperative during the 2nd cereal feeding of the day
  • Dearest looking out for Bun even though she was at work
  • Chicken essence that friends/relatives bought for us which I drank 1 bottle today

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