Saturday, June 6, 2020

Day #1118 - Do Less With More Focus

Goals of the Day:
  • [Personal] 1 x maths papers solutions
    • Achieved
  • [Work] 3-page write-up
    • Not Achieved
  • [Life] Meditate
    • Not Achieved

Goals of Week 23, 2020:
  • [Personal] Complete 4 maths papers solutions
    • Status: 4/4
  • [Life] Meditate regularly
    • Status: 1/7
  • [Work] Draft workflow out
    • Status: Achieved
Goals of Jun 2020:
  • [Personal] Complete all P6 SA2 2019 Maths papers solutions
    • Status: 4/15
  • [Life] Meditate regularly
    • Status: 1/30

Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • The sweet smiles that Bun has (although most of the times now he's smiling at Dearest than me)
  • A nice dinner from my MIL, and some food to bring home
  • A sweet gesture from my FIL to Bun

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