Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Day #1135 - Procrastination

Finding it hard to overcome procrastination while I'm at home to do work.
But I will have to.

Goals of the Day:
  • [Family] Call Mum to tell her we are coming tml evening because we are going to miss this weekend
  • [Life] Habits building - Exercise, Read, Meditate
  • [Work] Do what is necessary
  • [Personal] 45min on maths solutions
Goals of Week 26, 2020:
  • [Personal] Complete 5 maths papers solutions
    • Status: 0/5 
  • [Family] Figure out how to solve the rust on the toilet door
  • [Family] Consider ceiling hanging drying rack
  • [Family] Organize parents' insurance information and send to insurance agent

Goals of Jun 2020:
  • [Personal] Complete all P6 SA2 2019 Maths papers solutions
    • Status: 7/15

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