Saturday, October 17, 2015

My ambivalent start

The thought of starting this blog has been floating in my mind for a while now. It wasn’t until my mum fell prey to a sudden attack of appendicitis, that I had some time away from work (and from play) to stop procrastinating, and actually execute this thought of mine. So, yup. Here it is.

The intention of starting this blog is to get me motivated to “live my life”. Hence, the title of the blog. As I entered adulthood, there are several changes that I want to implement in my life. But I never seem to be able to make a permanent change. I felt like I am just living everyday as they pass by me like clouds in the sky, thinking that there will be time, in future. But the hard truth is, I have limited time to do what I want in this lifetime. And if I just keep storing these thoughts in my mind instead of putting them into actions, they are not gonna happen. I don't want to live to an old age, filling my life with regrets as time-travel slowly to my death. I want to die knowing that I have done as much as I could, as many things as I wanted to; I want to feel that this journey of living (or to death, depending on how you see things) is a meaningful one.

The start of this huge and massive project as been an ambivalent decision. As much as I like the idea of starting a blog to organize all the ideas of change, I'm not 100% sure that creating this avenue is gonna help make them happen. My dearest had also reminded me that starting this blog is like putting another to-do item on my already long list. I would have to spend extra effort to maintain this blog, which could have been directed towards doing the tasks. That was certainly true, but the fact remains that I have tried diving into things, but they never really materialized to the extent I hope that I could achieve. Perhaps I wasn't trying hard enough, perhaps I wasn't that determined. In any case, the conclusion is, it didn't work. Therefore I'm exploring this avenue. Because, if I never try, I will never know.   

With that said, there are several matters that I want to address at this moment, and possibly the items on the list will add on in future. Some of them are about building habits, some of them are about filling the information gaps for me to make certain big or long-term decisions. After maybe 5 min of reorganizing these matters in my mind, I have broadly grouped them in the following 5 categories:

  • Physical well-being
  • Mental well-being
  • Finance
  • Aspirations
  • Lifestyle

There could be more in the future, and maybe changes. But I shall stick with this one first.

Now, let me procrastinate on writing my next post while I take a short break.


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