Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Project Aspiration: Java Apprentice

As I am still recovering from my cold, so I can't really exercise.
I decided to get started on another thing that I have been putting off.

For a while now, I have been generating ideas that could either be helpful to the society (or me), or they could be a secondary source of income. I logged down all these ideas in a private notebook and really hope to work on some of them one day. The main challenge is that these ideas require programming skills to materialize, and I have almost zero experience in it. I could hire a programmer to do the job for me, but how fun can that be? plus I don't really have a lot of money to hire them, especially knowing that it's not certain that these ideas would eventually have a ROI. So, I decided to just learn it myself, and this became a part of my aspiration.

The first step to being an app developer is to learn programming.
But what programming language should I learn?
This was something that bugged me when I started to toy with the idea of developing app.
However, a quick search on Google could easily solve the problem.

According to the above flow chart, the programming language for me to start on is ... Java!
There's also an interesting analogy of the programming languages to the characters in Lord of The Rings. Apparently, I'm going to be Gandalf.

I have saved a few websites to learning Java previously. 
But I think I will start with a more conventional course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 
The course is called, "Introduction to Programming in Java".
The link to the course can be found here.
It feels like I would having a proper learning structure to form a strong foundation if I start from here.

I didn't have the time to start on any of the materials yet, but I will.
In case I start to procrastinate again... Let me set a target.

By the end of this week: At least 4 hours.

By the way, I have added a habit lists for daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to the side of the blog, and also included a habit tracking Google calendar at the bottom of the blog. 
Let's hope these will keep me on track.

Time to rest for the night and hope the cold will go away~

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