Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No time?

Well, I have failed to attain 4 hours of learning Java last week.
I thought I would have more than enough time through the week and on the weekends to attain that short 4 hours of sitting down, and looking at the learning materials.
But I didn’t.

Alright. Let me review through my last week schedule to determine the reason and improve from here.

During the weekdays, I thought I would rest at home after work, especially when I wasn’t feeling well (my throat still hasn’t recover yet -_-“).
I thought I could easily get down to that few hours of learning on the weekends.
Although on the way to work, I did manage to look at some of the learning materials from a mobile app called Learn Java (link here) from the company, SoloLearn. It’s a company that seems to specialize in allowing daily commuters to learn things like Java and other programming languages through short videos and short test after every video.
The main advantage of this learning approach is that I can learn it on the way to work; very convenient!
And I also found it more hand-holding than the MIT course materials, which is better for me since I’m a beginner not only at Java, but also in programming as a whole.
But it ate up around 500MB of mobile data within a day of travelling between office and home, which means my mobile data limit of 3GB would burst after 6 days of using the app.
I can’t download the video beforehand too.
So, this app is a NO-GO to use while I’m without wifi connection.

Then how about the weekends?
Hmmm… I was also busy with activities such as spending time with dearest, going to comedy night, going to see grandma with mum and sis, picking up my Spartan race pack, and spending time with my guys (playing mahjong).
All these activities took up my entire Sat and Sun.
If I don’t do any planning, I guess my time would be taken up by other activities.
Dearest also advised me to do deliberate planning for the activities that I want to fulfill.
Therefore, for a start, I shall aim for at least 30 minutes of Java learning daily during the weekdays, and 4 hours of Java learning during the weekends.

It’s not easy to succeed in life.

But I’m not gonna just live by and die.

*Just found out that the SoloLearn has a website on its own. So instead of learning it on the small screen of my Galaxy S4, I can watch the videos tutorials on my 23" monitor. Link HERE.

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