Thursday, November 23, 2017

Day #193 - Rejunvenated, and back!

It wasn't really a relaxing holiday per se.
But it was definitely a precious experience for me.

Back to work today.
Back to more focus.

Goals of the Day
  • Get up to speed on the most urgent task at work office and work on it
    • Achieved
  • Confirm tml's medical appt given my current nasal condition
    • Achieved
  • Unpack everything this evening 
    • Not Achieved
  • Get back into meditation
    • Not Achieved
  • Rest on time at 11pm
    • Not Achieved
Had to work quite late today due to some urgent work tasks.
By the time I got home it was already 2am+.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Focused on work today
  • Woke up early
Today's Small Losses:
  • Wasn't that productive at work
  • Didn't manage to do any tasks outside of office work
  • Slept late
  • Didn't meditate

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