Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Day #771 - Everyday Is A Fresh Start

It's a fresh start today. =)

Goals of the Day:
  • Strength training
    • Achieved
  • Iron
    • Achieved
  • 1 x Maths paper
    • Not Achieved
  • Have a good tuition session
    • Achieved
Today's Small Wins:
  • Archived 1 x Maths Paper
  • Almost done with 1 x Maths Paper
  • Ironed
  • Strength training
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't meditate
  • Didn't complete 1 x Maths Paper
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Feeling bun bun's strong kicks
  • Dearest for enduring through the muscle aches
  • Dearest for willing to brave public transport

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