Friday, June 30, 2017

Day #47 - Walking the less chosen path

It's making the tough decision of walking the path less chosen, and coming out of it alive, that gives life its satisfaction and meaning.

Today's Small Wins:
- Decided to don on my uniform even though I had to go to a meeting today
- Woke up early
- Meditate (later)
- Organized a nice gaming session at work

Today's Small Losses:
- Sleeping late
- Didn't do personal work

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Day #46 - Didn't game

Did some diary updates for me and Dearest.
Was also preparing my uniform to wear for tml's NS50.
A bit anxious about whether it is appropriate, but decided to go ahead with it.

Today's Small Wins:
- Archived memories with Dearest
- More focused at work than yesterday
- Did some organizing for my psych gathering
- Meditate (after this, I promise)

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Sleeping late
- Didn't do personal work at all

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Day #45 - A bit caught up with gaming

Only managed to do a bit of itinerary planning during commute, and spent the time at home resting and playing game.
The delay in the train going back home also caused me around 90 minutes of running around, trying to get home fast, but gave up because of the high charges, and then giving up on the 7pm CPF talk I signed up for also.

Today's Small Wins:
- Woke up on time
- Some work on itinerary
- Did housework

Today's Small Losses:
- Slept late
- Didn't meditate (gotta stop being lazy on this)
- Gave in to temptation to play game

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Day #44 - Revving my engine

Start of the work week for today!
Slow and steady pace at work.
Since I have put aside my personal work to plan for the upcoming trip, I have been quite ill-disciplined in getting it done.
Therefore, I aim to finish the first draft of the itinerary by this Sat.

Today's Small Wins:
- Good progress on itinerary planning

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Slept late
- Didn't meditate

Monday, June 26, 2017

Day #43 - Connecting with friends

It's a public holiday today.
And also the period of Steam Summer sales!
So the innate gamer in me decided to spend my morning playing games, and the evening attending a gathering to connect with old friends.

Today's Small Wins:
- Connecting with Uni friends
- Quality me time!

Today's Small Losses:
- woke up late
- slept late
- didn't meditate
- didn't do any personal work

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Day #42 - Chill-out day~

Didn't do much productive things today due to the events that were planned.
But these events are also important, especially when a good friend is mostly not in the country.

Today's Small Wins:
- Spent time with Dearest's relatives
- Quality time with guys

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Slept late
- Didn't meditate
- Didn't exercise

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Day #41 - Monthsary Date

Spent a full day of quality time with Dearest.
She enjoyed the trip to the Human+ exhibition at ArtScience Museum a lot =)
But I was finding it hard to enjoy the exhibits. haha.. different tastes.

Today's Small Wins:
- Quality time with Dearest

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Slept late
- Didn't meditate 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Day #40 - Exercise Day!

It's badminton + socccer day!
Body super shagged out at the end~
Should take note to really space out these activities.

Today's Small Wins:
- Exercised for 5 hours (3 hours of badminton + 2 hours of soccer)
- Quality time with friends

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Slept late (cuz of soccer)
- Didn't meditate

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Day #39 - Renovation! again...

had a discussion with another interior designer firm this evening with Dearest again!
lucky it's not that exhausting as compared to other times.
But still, it's quite a bit of effort.

Feeling better after a good night rest last night.
Looks like my body just needed more sleep.

Today's Small Wins:
- Working towards our house renovation
- Woke up early
- Good quality time with Dearest (good chat during dinner)
- Resisted taking uber home to save money.

Today's Small Losses:
- Didn't sleep on time

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day #38 - Need a good night rest

My phone is finally fixed! and FOC too.
Body is feeling a bit unwell after eating too much snacks from Hai Di Lao lunch.

Today's Small Wins:
- Meditated for 10m
- Worked on itinerary for Tasmania
- Sleeping early

Today's Small Losses:
- Waking up late
- Didn't exercise because body was feeling unwell
- Didn't do house chores because body was feeling unwell 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Day #37 - Getting back on track!

My phone's issue is still not solved.
When they found out that my SIM card slot was stuck yesterday, I didn't expect to see an estimated cost of ~$500 to fix it back.
And when I said it's too much, they told me the phone now can't detect SIM card, because they forcefully took the SIM card slot out, and now the slot is spoilt.
Next, they told me I still can use the phone at home using WIFI; but I cannot make any calls since there's no SIM card.

I told the staff attending to me, that what's the point of that?
The phone is not a phone, if I can't use it as a phone.
It would have been okay if they didn't forcefully yank it out -_-
So they are now escalating the issue to higher authorities to help me get a FOC repair. haha..

Today's Small Wins:
- Meditated for 10m
- Worked on Tasmania's itinerary for 1.5 hour
- Chit chatted with dad about him getting robbed at Philippines Airport because of some 'work'
- Gave a short course to my colleagues on data collection

Today's Small Losses:
- Sleeping late
- Not focused at work, and a bit apprehensive. (need to hold my own)

Monday, June 19, 2017

Day #36 - Not much

Unsuccessful attempt to flash firmware on my S7e last night.
So had to to spend time to go down to Samsung service centre to get my phone fixed.
Unfortunately, I can't get back immediately, and have to wait until tml's evening to get my phone back.

Today's Small Wins:
- Relaxing my mind (in other words, didn't do anything. haha)

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Sleep late
- Didn't meditate
- Didn't do much personal work

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Day #35 - Unproductive day

An unproductive day overall.
Was too preoccupied trying to settle some issues with the phone.

Today's Small Wins:
- Did housework
- Spent quality time with family for fathers' day dinner

Today's Small Losses:
- Didn't meditate
- Didn't do any work
- Didn't wake up early
- Didn't sleep early

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Day #34 - Just an experience

Did the urban attack 5 today!
Although I failed at the 2nd station for both of my runs, but I managed to attempt most of them during the practice. haha..
Dearest was there to support and help me record some of my moments during the practice and the runs!
Grateful for her presence =)

Today's Small Wins:
- Settled the designs for 4 dian jin
- Participated in a physical challenge (that was anxiety-provoking)
- Spent quality time with Dearest
- Spent quality time with the guys for Mahjong

Today's Small Losses:
- Didn't complete the physical challenge (but it's a motivation to try harder next year)
- Lost $70 at Mahjong (damn it)
- Didn't meditate
- Didn't sleep early

Friday, June 16, 2017

Day #33 - Performance anxiety

Anxious about tomorrow's performance at the Urban Attack 5.

Today's Small Wins:
- Moderate focus at work
- small work on tasmania itinerary

Today's Small Losses:
- woke up late
- sleeping late
- didn't meditate

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Day #32 - Losing Grip

In a dangerous place where I'm losing control of my life and letting it run auto-pilot.
Gotta take back the control and start focusing on the goals.

Today's Small Wins:
- Good individual and team performance grade for the year
- Spent quality time with Dearest
- Meditation (after this)

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Losing focus at work
- Didn't spend much time on research for Tasmania

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Day #31 - Priorities

As my days become cluttered with tasks from various roles of my life, I have decided to put aside my app dev learning and focused on doing up the tasmania itinerary for dearest and me. Hopefully it can be done by this weekend!

Today's Small Wins:
- Worked on Tasmania itinerary for 1 hour
- Meditated for 10 min

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Slept late (need to change both these losses!)
- Forgot to do housework (whole family too engrossed with the 7pm korean show)

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Day #30 - time is hardly enough

Feeling a bit unwell since last night.
But luckily it didn't evolve into anything today, just felt a bit more lethargic.

Today's Small Wins:
- Meditated
- Did App Dev learning for 1 hour
- Re-working the tasmania flight due to itinerary considerations

Today's Small Losses:
- slept late

Monday, June 12, 2017

Day #29 - 5th Start!

Since I am done with the blog post, I decided to concentrate on app dev learning this week.
But time was a bit short today because I was engrossed in watching videos on urban attack 5 which is coming up this Sat. haha..

Oh well, just have to keep to schedule tml.

Today's Small Wins:
- Exercised for 45 min
- Meditated for 10 min
- Woke up on time
- Did some research for Tasmania during commute

Today's Small Losses:
- Didn't do any personal work
- Sleeping a bit later than planned

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Day #28 - End of the 4th

It's the end of the 4th week since I started this Day# updates.
Didn't know that I would go this far. haha..

Managed to get my blog post published today!

Today's Small Wins:
- Worked on financial blog post for ~4 hours
- Read book for 45 min
- Did some arm training in the morning ~ 20 min
- Meditated for 10 min
- Sleeping on time (after this)

Today's Small Losses:
- somewhat distracted through the day while working at my blog post

Friday, June 9, 2017

Day #26 - Running + Badminton

Had to do some high intensity interval training for my colleague, and went on for 50 min, (25 times of 1 min run, 1 min rest).
My left leg nearly cramped later on when I played badminton.
Lucky there wasn't any soccer tonight. haha..

Today's Small Wins:
- exercised for a substantial amount of time
- enjoyed myself at badminton
- had a short quality time over lunch with dearest

Today's Small Losses:
- woke up late
- sleeping late
- too tired to meditate
- not that focused at work

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Day #25 - Currently in Writing

It was a mentally tiring day.

Today's Small Wins:
- Meditated
- Did work on financial contents, but still quite a bit before publishing the post

Today's Small Losses:
- Sleeping late

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day #24 - Getting there

Was doing some exercises at the stadium and managed to do the monkey bars, to and fro.
It might not sounds like a grand feat, but to me it's a small accomplishment for me.
To be able to do that, it shows that my arm muscles are building on fine.
Trying my best to build some more strength before my urban attack challenge coming in less than 2 weeks.

Feels weird that when I was in primary school, I would hang on these monkey bars for a seemingly long time, and play games like grabbing my friends using my legs and dragging him off the bar.
Where did all those strength go??!

Today's Small Wins:
- Woke up on time
- Did some work on financial blog contents; i think I'm done with the first prototype of my tool
- Meditate (going to)
- Exercised (1 loop with the monkey bar)

Today's Small Losses:
- Sleeping later than usual (this, I gotta change this)
- Spent quite a bit of time on social media today instead of personal work

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Day #23 - Nearing there

Decided to continue working on finishing the tool for my next financial blog post.
Therefore, learning app development would have to be after I'm finished with this current task.
The last step seems to be a bit daunting; kinda need to join all the sub-components together.
I'm not a programmer (yet), but I'm still quite okay working with Excel/Google Sheets functions. haha..

Today's Small Wins:
- Woke up on time
- Did some reading at work
- Moderate focus at work
- Got positive feedback from a senior colleague
- Meditate (after this)

Today's Small Losses:
- Sleeping later than planned
- Can only do 1 pull-up coming home from work (muscles still sore from Sunday)

Monday, June 5, 2017

Day #22 - the 4th

Body is feeling a bit tired.
So I gave myself a break not to exercise today.
Want to do a few pull-ups with the static station on my way home, but it kinda hurt a bit.
Guess I overwork the muscles on yesterday.

Today's Small Wins:
- woke up on time
- meditate
- sleep on time

Today's Small Losses:
- didn't exercise
- didn't do personal work

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Day #20 and #21

The weekend was spent on visiting a renovation contractor on Sat, and then gown and suit fitting on Sun.
Was quite tiring, and Dearest was lamenting that the fatigue from talking to so many interior designers. haha.. I think we are getting there.

Today's Small Wins:
- Did some arm strength training in the morning
- Meditated
- Worked a bit on financial blog contents
- Spent time with Dearest on renovation and wedding stuff
- Progress in wedding preparation! (gown/suit fitting)

Today's Small Losses
- Didn't manage to finish what i planned for my financial blog contents
- Sleeping later than planned

Friday, June 2, 2017

Day #19 - Guys Night

Initially wanted to get home early to eat dinner with my family.
But got delayed by the train.
And then I realized that my mum didn't cook; she went to her maternal side to pray for my grandfather's death anniversary.

Wanted to play soccer with the guys, but there weren't enough people available to play.
But, still got to spend some time playing mahjong with them. haha...

Today's Small Wins:
- Organized a very small but fun session for my programme at work
- Spent good quality time with the guys playing mahjong
- Did High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for 44 minutes (1 min on - off), kindly conducted by my work colleagues. haha..

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up later than planned
- Slept later than planned
- Didn't meditate
- Didn't manage to eat dinner with family
- $40 at mahjong -_-

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Day #18 - Brain fried

Was a bit brain-fried from work as I was focused on a particular task looking at numbers for a prolonged period of time.
And coupling that with a train fault that resulted in me eating dinner at jurong east before being able to reach home at 9pm, I was quite beat to do anything else.

Today's Small Wins
- woke up on time
- bought honey and met Dearest for a while
- focused at work

Today's Small Losses
- didn't do anything for personal work
- didn't meditate
- slept late