Friday, June 2, 2017

Day #19 - Guys Night

Initially wanted to get home early to eat dinner with my family.
But got delayed by the train.
And then I realized that my mum didn't cook; she went to her maternal side to pray for my grandfather's death anniversary.

Wanted to play soccer with the guys, but there weren't enough people available to play.
But, still got to spend some time playing mahjong with them. haha...

Today's Small Wins:
- Organized a very small but fun session for my programme at work
- Spent good quality time with the guys playing mahjong
- Did High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for 44 minutes (1 min on - off), kindly conducted by my work colleagues. haha..

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up later than planned
- Slept later than planned
- Didn't meditate
- Didn't manage to eat dinner with family
- $40 at mahjong -_-

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