Monday, October 1, 2018

Day #503 - Mounting Pressure; Graceful Display

Often times we are put under pressure across various situations.
For me now, it's work and the upcoming trip to London.
And also constantly at the back of my head, my career pursuits.
Whichever it is, I would want to face it gracefully.

Goals of the Day:
  • Enquire about the great difference in expectations of the refunds from the airline (I would lose $2K if I didn't push for an answer)
    • Achieved
  • Arrange a successful meetup with Carousell buyer on my jackets
    • Achieved
  • Do household chores
    • Achieved
  • Do Q2 planning for the day 
    • Not Achieved
  • Do Q2 planning for the week
    • Not Achieved
It's always good to check whether refunds have been done.
Because in this case, if I didn't, I would have lost more than $2K without knowing.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Did household chores
  • Settled financial administration for Sept
  • Slept on time
  • Exercised in the morning (2km, sit-ups, push-ups)
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't meditate
  • Didn't do daily and weekly planning
  • Didn't plan my time properly to receive the Amazon parcel
  • Loss of time from meeting buyer but the transaction didn't go through because it didn't fit
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Managed to meet my Carousell buyer, but the jacket didn't fit
  • Free food during the refreshment after the opening brief by CEO on the company's annual innovation challenge
  • Good project team discussion

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