Sunday, October 7, 2018

Day #509 - Husband to Wife

As she supports me through my life, I'm gonna support her through hers too.

Goals of the Day:
  • Exercise
    • Achieved
  • Household chores
    • Achieved
  • Trip Planning
    • Achieved
  • Relook at what I want to do in the short term
    • Not Achieved
  • Financial planning with Dearest
    • Achieved
  • Quality time with Dearest
    • Achieved
Lots of wins today!

Today's Small Wins:
  • Did arm strength training for 20 minutes
  • Finished the household chores that I have set out to do
  • Managed to get a comprehensive list of hikes that I can do at Lake District
  • Review the joint expenditure with Dearest and decided on a monthly budget for the various categories
  • Updated the AppSheet mobile app that Dearest and I were using to reflect the budget left for the month
  • Cooked up a very nice dinner with Dearest
  • Nice evening with Dearest over dinner and tv (Sherlock Holmes!)
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't meditate
  • Didn't review short-term goals
  • Slept slightly later than planned
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • A nice dinner
  • Dearest being active in reviewing and managing our finance together with me
  • Left knee seems to be a bit better everyday

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