Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Day #3 - Gambatte~!

3rd day following my schedule!
And I'm feeling a bit tired at work, and at home already.

But at the very least, I'm pushing myself towards my goals.

Tonight is a bit late in posting this, mainly because I was too caught up in finishing up another item for my financial blog contents. Trying to make sure that all my calculations are correct.

Today's Small Wins
- Woke up on time (@ 6 a.m.
- Exercise after work
- Did household chore
- Meditated
- Focused on my financial blog contents for near to 2 hours and finish another item

Today's Small Losses
- Slightly distracted at work
- Sleeping later than planned

Found out that I'm lacking a dedicated time to do my own personal reading (i.e. self-improvement book). Gotta slot in this somewhere, otherwise my Choice 3 won't materialize.

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