Sunday, May 21, 2017

Day #7 - End of the 1st week

The first half of the day was going for the National Vertical Marathon at the South Beach tower. It was rather tiring towards the end, but the fact that it ended in around 10 minutes for me, means it wasn't much of a workout.

The second half was pushing myself to focusing on generating financial contents instead of slacking off the rest of the day with the attitude that "I should give myself a break". I felt rather good that I pushed myself, even though I'm getting some slight headache from the research.

Today's Small Wins:
- Woke up and did the marathon
- Spent half a day (around 4 hours) on financial contents
- Meditate (after this)
- Created a small keychain at the event for Dearest
- 2 parents approached me for maths tuition (i hope it's a testament to my tutoring skills still)

Today's Small Losses:
- Too much time spent in the morning at the event
- Sleeping slightly later than planned

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