Sunday, May 21, 2017

Day #5 and Day #6 - Quality Bonding Time

Didnt have the time to blog last night because I was out playing soccer with the guys.
It was those occasional times that I managed to initiate this soccer gathering and most of them were free to play.

As for today, almost the whole day was spent with Dearest; half day at IKEA, the other half just relaxing at home. It was a fruitful time looking at all the possible things we can buy for our future home, and we also spent a good amount of time chatting and talking about an idea of an app that I had. She found the idea very useful and was very intrigued by it =)

Today's Small Wins (and Yesterday)
- Quality bonding time with Dearest, and the guys
- Efforts to plan for renovation

Today's Small Losses (and Yesterday)
- didn't meditate
- woke up super late today
- slept late last night (due to soccer) and today

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