Monday, May 15, 2017

Day #1 - Organizing my life

Following advice from Choice 3, it would do me good to set up a time schedule, which integrates all the important roles that I want to play in my life. This would ensures that I allocate time for all these roles, and then I would have to work hard to keep at it.

I wrote up the schedule during my commute to work and off work. And I did up a schedule for every single day of the week, catering to the various roles. I would think it needs multiple revisions as I follow them through, but at least I'm starting it now.

At the same time, I thought of doing a daily short blog post of how I did for the day; the various small wins that I achieved. Sort of like a quick reflection before I go to bed.

Things I have managed to achieve today!

  • Managed to wake up at 6 a.m.
  • Planned out a regular week schedule
  • Exercise for 1 hour
  • Meditate for 10 min
  • Vacuumed the floor (so my mum doesn't need to)
  • Work on my financial blog contents for 1 hour (and then I got distracted. haha.. shit.)
  • Sleeping before 11.30 p.m. (which I'm about to do)
Celebrating the small wins first, and working towards the big ones.

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