Thursday, May 18, 2017

My Definition of Fun - Spartan Super 2017

The photos from my Spartan Super 2017 on 6 May are finally out!
Wait for them to release the photos for quite some time.

A bit disappointed because there were many photos taken during the course.
And I didn't wear my action camera this time, because I felt that it was a chore to bring, and I always feel distracted by it during the past races.
This time, I felt more free going through the obstacles without worrying about where the camera is pointing, is it on during the obstacles, is the battery still going strong...
I enjoyed it much more!

It took me around 4 hours to complete the whole race.
That's actually quite a long duration for just a 10+ km obstacles race.
My previous timing was 2 hours + only.
The reason was because I walked the entire journey of the race instead of running.
My strength and stamina isn't that strong, so I figured that if I run, I wouldn't have the strength to conquer the obstacles, which is basically the whole point behind me joining the race.
So I just walked.
And practically, around half the race was full of mud.
It would expend much more effort to run on the mud, so it made more sense to walk.

Immediately after this, I signed myself up for the velocity urban challenge 5, which is happening in another month's time.
The organizer revealed 3 obstacles, and one of them makes me wonder if I could pass it.
Will be starting to train for it!

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