Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Day #9 - Learning is Hard

It took me around 1 hour to go through a 15 minute video on formatting text using the Android Studio.

It's rather confusing for a beginner like me.
The instructions weren't hard; what is hard is trying to figure out what's the difference between the version of the Android Studio the tutor is using, and the newer version which I am using.
Maybe I shouldn't have updated -_-"

For example, it took me some time to learn about Constraint Layout (default for ver 2.3), but the tutor is using the Relative Layout (default for ver 2.2).
The color selection for font is different, but I manage to find out where to click.
The font family is missing, and I still have no idea where to get and preview the full list of fonts.
Guess I will just leave this out first.

Today's Small Wins:
- Meditated
- 2 hours on app dev training (I prefer the word training than learning)
- Did some wedding stuff scheduling
- Initiated a date with Dearest for Thurs

Today's Small Losses:
- woke up a bit late
- sleeping a bit late

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