Monday, July 31, 2017

Day #78 - Start of 12th week

Woke up feeling a bit tired.
And my backache is acting up again after yesterday's basketball.

Goals of the Day
  1. Have an early rest for the upcoming days of competition
    • Going to now! 
  2. 1 exercise for App Dev course
    • Done
  3. Weekly planning for the Weekdays
    • Not DONE!
The 1 exercise in App Dev course did me in.
Took me like 3 hours to build a working app for creating a game to guess the right number and gives feedback.
Lots of frustration along the way.
Main challenges were:
[1] - how to create a random number that doesn't change each time I press the button to check for answer
[2] - how to change the random number after the first game was completed
Managed to solve [1], but had to watch the solution for [2].

Today's Small Wins
  • Persevered in creating an app (though it was a simple one)
  • Started my reading on the book, GRIT (something I hope to have for myself)
Today's Small Losses
  • Didn't manage to create the whole app myself
  • Woke up and Slept late
  • Didn't meditate

Sunday, July 30, 2017

The 5 Choices - Part III

Wanted to take a break from doing my App Dev course.
So I decided to write out a post on the 3rd Choice in the book I was reading before.

Choice 3 - Schedule The Big Rocks, Don't Sort Gravel

Basically, the book advocates that you should plan your schedule by putting in priority tasks first, and miscellaneous tasks second.

The above pointers are what I would need to do.

For some time, I have been doing the Daily Q2 Planning through the daily updates in this blog.
But I haven't got to trying the Weekly Q2 Planning yet.
Will try it out today!

With the pointers, I have also created a generic schedule for myself.
I think I have mentioned it a few times already, but I didn't really post it up.
There was a few changes along the way as I tried to follow the plan.

Here's the current version.

Onwards, to living my life~!

Day #77 - To a good start of the day!

It's a Sunday~!
Started the day with an hour of basketball to fulfill my exercise for the day.
Time for the other things~

Goals of the Day
  1. Exercise
    • Done
  2. At least 2 exercise from App Dev Course
    • Done
  3. Shop for my wedding shoot attire accessories
    • Done

Body started feeling weird after lunch.
My back hurts a bit also.
Probably due to the basketball earlier on.
I guess a long period of not exercising really dull my muscles a lot.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Exercised for 1 hour
  • Devoted time for my App Dev Course
  • Settled my wedding shoot attire purchase
  • Meditate (going to)
  • Quality time with Dearest
Today's Small Losses:
  • Body's condition

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Day #76 - Weekend is here!

Had a good night rest.
Body is slowly, but surely, recovering.

Goals of the Day
  1. spend quality time with dearest
    • Done
  2. complete updates for diary with dearest
    • Done
  3. list out the preps to be done before aussie trip
    • Done
Was a good evening spent with Dearest, walking from AMK to YCK~

Today's Small Wins:
  • Quality time with Dearest

Today's Small Losses:
  • Woke up and Sleeping late
  • Didn't meditate

Friday, July 28, 2017

Day #75 - back to Badminton

It's been a while since I played badminton due to troubles with my throat.
Been almost a month now.
Finally going back to it, and also some warm-up before the competition next week.

Goals of the Day
  1. Rest early for the night after badminton
    • Going to now
  2. Be at least 70% productive at work
    • Done
  3. Make plans for the weekend
    • Too shag after badminton to do this
No one came for the interaction session for this month.
So I get to leave early for badminton! Yeah~!
Body felt rather tired after a short session.
Not exercising for 3 weeks+, and haven't been playing badminton for that long, kinda made me a bit dull on the court. 
Competition next week. Oh well, just enjoy.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Exercised!
  • Meditated.
  • Moderate productivity at work
Today's Small Losses:
  • Woke up late
  • Didn't manage to make plans for the weekend

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Day #74 - Need to rest more

Feeling kinda tired after pushing myself over my planned sleeping time to finish up the exercise on App Dev.
Should get more rest today.

Goals of the Day
  1. Finish off 2 exercises of Section 3 for App Dev
    • Done
  2. Do housework (carry over from yesterday)
    • Alamak, forgot! Guess I will just do it over the weekends.
  3. Be productive at work
    • Partial~
Today's Small Wins:
  • Meditated 
  • Slightly productive at work
  • Completed 2 exercises from App Dev course
Today's Small Losses:
  • Woke up and slept slightly later
  • Forgot to do house work

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Day #73 - Route to Recovery, albeit slow

Feeling a bit lethargic in the morning.
Didn't manage to fall asleep fast last night.

Goals of the Day

  1. Finish up the last lesson of App Dev Section 2
    • Took me till 11.15pm to finish.. But, DONE.
  2. Weekly Planning (from yesterday)
    • Too late, postponed to tml. 

Today's Small Wins:

  • Spent a brief quality time with Dearest to help with her family matters
  • Slightly more focus at work towards the end
  • Currency Converter App (SGD to AUD)
I created this!
Though it's the second time I'm doing this exercise...
But it's still a feat considering that the previous time I did this was probably nearly a year ago.

Today's Small Losses:
  • Sleeping 30 minutes later than planned
  • Not that mindful at work most of the time
  • Didn't have time to help with housework today according to schedule (shall do tml)
  • Didn't meditate

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Day #72 - Focus on Results, Not Time + Effort

Read an article on my Flipboard that was advising on how to be multimillionaires. (Source)
One of the thing that strikes me was this:
"Don't focus on Time and Effort, Focus on Results Instead"
And I felt this kinda resonates with me as I was only looking at organizing my life to spend time and effort on certain things, and didn't really set results-oriented goals.
It makes sense to include results-oriented goals in my weekly planning.

Goals of the Day
  1. Come up with results-oriented goals for this week
    • Didn't have time for this
  2. Complete 2 lessons of App Dev Course
    • Done
Today's Small Wins:
  • Completed 2 lessons of App Dev course
  • Did some lessons on R on the DataCamp website
  • Waking up and Sleeping on time
  • Meditation (after this)
  • Followed through with the day's schedule quite closely
Today's Small Losses:
  • Wasn't able to start planning for results-oriented goals for this week
  • Unfocused at work

Monday, July 24, 2017

Day #71 - Feeling better!

It's a good day!
Because I'm feeling better!

Goals of the Day
  1. Settle which shop to purchase DJI Mavic Pro
    • Paid deposit and waiting for it to come! Exciting >_<
  2. Settle itinerary for Perth Day 2 
    • Done. Day 1 waiting for Dearest to fill it out!
  3. Go thru 1 lesson for App Dev Course
    • Done! 1st lesson in quite a long time

Today's Small Wins
  • Woke up on time
  • Sleeping on time
  • Meditation (before I sleep)
  • Did 1 hour of App Dev Course
Today's Small Losses
  • Slightly distracted at work

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day #70 - It's Sunday!

2nd day of setting my goals of the day.
It helped me yesterday.
So I guess I should keep at it.

Today's Goals

  1. Spend quality time with Dearest in the evening
    • Achieved
  2. Review Choice 3 exercises to re-plan my schedule
    • Schedule done, but halfway into putting into my Google Calendar
  3. 2 Lessons from App Development Course
    • Didn't have time for this

Today's Small Wins:
  • Spent a nice evening with Dearest; napping and discussing about our upcoming trip
  • Did housework
  • Re-plan my schedule
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't manage to go through lessons on App Development
  • Sleeping a bit later

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Day #69 - Setting day's goals

Kinda feel that I'm not taking charge of my days enough.
So I decided to draft a post at the start of the day to lay out three goals to achieve.

Today's Goals

  1. Draft out the Perth's Itinerary for Day 1 & Day 2
    • Didn't draft out the entire itinerary, but managed to come up with a list of activities for Perth to discuss with Dearest
  2. Set a date for going to Kooza with family
    • Set the date already, but realized the tickets are quite expensive
  3. Settle the problem with the "Comment" section of my financial blog
    • Problem Settled

Today's Small Wins:

  • Forced myself to set goals to achieve for the day
  • Achieved most of the goals
  • Meditated for 10 min
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't manage to spend time with Dearest because we are both sick, and need to rest

Friday, July 21, 2017

Day #68 - Bad day at work

Still having throat pain.

Today's Small Wins:
- Rested my body instead of 

Today's Small Losses:
- Didn't manage to sleep early (was a bit uncomfortable with the throat)
- Didn't do any personal work

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Day #67 - Trying to talk less

It's quite hard not to talk when I'm around my colleagues.
Had to eat lunch alone -_-
Stayed up till 3am+ tonight because I had to accompany my dad to A&E.
Throat seemed to have worsen because of that.

Today's Small Wins:
- Was able to take care of my dad during the visit to A&E
- Woke up on time

Today's Small Losses:
- Slept damn late
- Didn't meditate

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Day #66 - Slept whole day

Slept the whole day today after seeing polyclinic.
The medicine seems to be working better than the GP.
And cheaper too!

Today's Small Wins:
- Lots of rest
- Travel insurance bought for the trip

Today's Small Losses:
- time (the greatest loss of all)

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day #65 - Throat condition worsens

Somehow, the four visits to the GP downstairs didn't help in getting my health back to normal.
Had to see how's the condition tomorrow, then decide whether to go to Polyclinic.

Today's Small Wins:
- Progress in itinerary! (settled car rental for tasmania, and car insurance)

Today's Small Losses:
- N.A. (can't do shit when i'm sick)

Monday, July 17, 2017

Day #64 - Throat Getting Worse

My throat is getting worse.
Had to see doctor after work today.

Today's Small Wins:
- Woke up on time
- Spent time on itinerary

Today's Small Losses:
- Sleep late
- Didn't meditate

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day #63 - End of Wk 7

Did quite a bit of productive work today.

Today's Small Wins:
- Short work out before lunch
- Did housework as planned
- Quality time with guys
- Time on itinerary planning - finalized car rental for first part of trip
- Meditate (going to)

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up slightly late
- Sleeping slightly late

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day #62 - 1st Draft of Itinerary done!

Went to see the works of an ID with Dearest.
Managed to rent a car to drive us over there.
Pushed through our fatigue and discussed the itinerary to complete the 1st draft!
And feeling excited because of the early birthday present Dearest wants to get for me >_<

Today's Small Wins:
- Efforts in renovation
- Quality time with Dearest
- Draft 1 of Tasmania Trip out (can move on to accommodation finding, and perth itinerary)

Today's Small Losses:
- Slept late
- Didn't wake up on time
- Didn't meditate

Friday, July 14, 2017

Day #61 - Another Psych Gathering

The work week has ended with some over-time work done.
Had a good psych gathering at a friend's house.

Today's Small Wins:
- Quality time with university batch mates
- Managed to complete most of the task at work

Today's Small Losses:
- Slept late
- Didn't meditate
- Throat got worse

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Day #60 - Feeling a bit better

Had a good night sleep and felt much better this morning.
But still, body hasn't fully recovered.
Better keep things light to recover.

Today's Small Wins:
- Managed to finish off most of the work tasks today
- Worked substantially on itinerary (nearing the end!)

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Didn't meditate
- Sleeping a bit late

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day #59 - Heating up again

Body not reacting well to fatigue from staying up last night to work on my itinerary.
So I just rest and slept early~

Today's Small Wins:
- Slept on time

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Didn't meditate

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Day #58 - Slacked a bit

Been quite a tiring day at work.
Somehow my mind is still a bit slow and not working; recovering from illness still.

Today's Small Wins:
- Moderately focused at work
- Meditated for 10m
- Planned itinerary for the last 2 days of trip

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up a bit late
- Sleeping a bit late

Monday, July 10, 2017

Day #57 - The busy period has started

From the start till the end of the day, I felt like I only had a breather for a few moments at work.
But that also means I was pretty focused.

Today's Small Wins:
- focused at work
- Exercised
- Meditate (going to)
- Woke up in time
- Managed to clear a couple of administrative stuff
- Planned for an upcoming gathering

Today's Small Losses:
- sleeping late
- Spent half my free time on social media, and the other half working on my itinerary - not good enough

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Day #56 - Quality time with Dearest

Quite an eventful day.
First, our BTO openhouse.
Then, visit our actual BTO site.
And finally, a short trip to East Coast Park to destress.

Today's Small Wins:
- Quality time with Dearest (we talked quite a bit at east coast park about life's meaning)
- Meditate (going to)
- Sleeping early (going to)

Today's Small Losses:
- Didn't focus on personal work
- Didn't exercise

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Day #55 - Progression in Wedding plans!

Went to 2nd gown fitting today for our pre wedding shoot preparations.
Dearest finalized her choices for the gowns and her measurements were taken to alter the gowns.
My suit and pants were 'drafted', and fitted really well.

Today's Small Wins:
- Quality time with Dearest
- Went to support a close army friend for his grandma's passing
- Had a short, but good catch-up session with two close army friends

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Slept late
- Didn't do personal work

Friday, July 7, 2017

Day #54 - Busy day at work and life

Work tasks are starting to pile up.
Busy period is starting to appear.
Need to be disciplined enough to keep all my other aspects of life going.

Today's Small Wins:
- Played badminton for 1h and didn't hurt my shoulder (good exercise)
- Spent time with Dearest and her mum to visit her ah po
- Decided against meeting the guys late to let my body recover

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Slept late
- Didn't meditate
- Didn't manage to catch up with a buddy

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Day #53 - Recovering well

2nd time to the doc this week.
Feeling better near lunch, so went out with Mum to buy a new TV.

Today's Small Wins:
- Some quality time with Mum
- Bought a TV for my family
- Finally settled all the flights for upcoming trip
- Meditated for 10 min
- Sleeping on time

Today's Small Losses:
- Didn't rest as much as I wanted to

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Day #52 - body feeling weak

Not sure if it's the stress that is getting onto me.
But my body feels physically weak and unwell in general.
Maybe the illness is crawling back.

Today's Small Wins:
- Woke up early
- Efforts into renovation

Today's Small Losses:
- Slept slightly late
- Didn't meditate
- Didn't do personal work

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Day #51 - Loads of Office Work

It's a hectic day at work, with a lot of tasks piling up.
And I could feel the stress on planning for our upcoming trips (flights not booked, accommodation not booked, itinerary not planned).
A quick look back on the no. of days since I have started, and I realized just how few days I have committed fully to my own personal work.
Gotta do better.
Gotta do my best.

Today's Small Wins:
- Meditated for 10 min
- Sleeping on time (just a bit late)
- Developed some points of concerns for the upcoming trips (namely backpack cover for check-in)
- Proactively seek TCM for physical ailment

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Didn't do any personal work (went to TCM and figuring out my new credit cards)

Monday, July 3, 2017

Day #50 - Rest / Personal Work Day

Was on MC today.
But managed to settle quite a bit of administrative stuff that I was lagging behind.
Things like archiving my bank accounts, data inputs of my income (interests, salary, rebates, etc) for the month, looking into insurance offers, organizing name cards from wedding and renovation, planning for the upcoming trip.

Today's Small Wins:
- Resisted playing game
- Focused on personal work
- Arranged a TCM appointment for mum and accompanied her downstairs
- Meditated for 10 min

Today's Small Losses:
- Loss of time because I waited at the wrong place for parcel collection (I think)
- Didn't exercise due to illness
- Slept late (because I was booking flights and checking luggage restrictions - headache -_-")

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Day #49 - End of 7th Week

And I'm sick! Alamak.
So I couldn't really do much today.
Dearest came over to take care of me and spent some quality time with me~

Today's Small Wins:
- Quality time with Dearest
- Some progress on Tasmania Itinerary

Today's Small Losses:
- Sick so didn't exercise, and didnt manage to wake up early
- Slept a bit late
- Didn't meditate

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Day #48 - Settling Finance with Mum

Spent the entire day at the banks to settle some financial stuff with Mum.
It was my idea. haha..
We didn't expect it to be that long.
But, it gave me some private time alone with mum to talk to her.
I finally asked her what she would like to do in life.
Gave a few examples, and she replied on going holiday to Taiwan.
Holiday to Taiwan it shall be =)

Today's Small Wins:
- Quality time with Mum
- Settled financial stuff
- Some quality time with Dearest

Today's Small Losses:
- Woke up late
- Slept late
- Didn't meditate