Monday, July 31, 2017

Day #78 - Start of 12th week

Woke up feeling a bit tired.
And my backache is acting up again after yesterday's basketball.

Goals of the Day
  1. Have an early rest for the upcoming days of competition
    • Going to now! 
  2. 1 exercise for App Dev course
    • Done
  3. Weekly planning for the Weekdays
    • Not DONE!
The 1 exercise in App Dev course did me in.
Took me like 3 hours to build a working app for creating a game to guess the right number and gives feedback.
Lots of frustration along the way.
Main challenges were:
[1] - how to create a random number that doesn't change each time I press the button to check for answer
[2] - how to change the random number after the first game was completed
Managed to solve [1], but had to watch the solution for [2].

Today's Small Wins
  • Persevered in creating an app (though it was a simple one)
  • Started my reading on the book, GRIT (something I hope to have for myself)
Today's Small Losses
  • Didn't manage to create the whole app myself
  • Woke up and Slept late
  • Didn't meditate

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