Monday, July 3, 2017

Day #50 - Rest / Personal Work Day

Was on MC today.
But managed to settle quite a bit of administrative stuff that I was lagging behind.
Things like archiving my bank accounts, data inputs of my income (interests, salary, rebates, etc) for the month, looking into insurance offers, organizing name cards from wedding and renovation, planning for the upcoming trip.

Today's Small Wins:
- Resisted playing game
- Focused on personal work
- Arranged a TCM appointment for mum and accompanied her downstairs
- Meditated for 10 min

Today's Small Losses:
- Loss of time because I waited at the wrong place for parcel collection (I think)
- Didn't exercise due to illness
- Slept late (because I was booking flights and checking luggage restrictions - headache -_-")

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