Friday, July 28, 2017

Day #75 - back to Badminton

It's been a while since I played badminton due to troubles with my throat.
Been almost a month now.
Finally going back to it, and also some warm-up before the competition next week.

Goals of the Day
  1. Rest early for the night after badminton
    • Going to now
  2. Be at least 70% productive at work
    • Done
  3. Make plans for the weekend
    • Too shag after badminton to do this
No one came for the interaction session for this month.
So I get to leave early for badminton! Yeah~!
Body felt rather tired after a short session.
Not exercising for 3 weeks+, and haven't been playing badminton for that long, kinda made me a bit dull on the court. 
Competition next week. Oh well, just enjoy.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Exercised!
  • Meditated.
  • Moderate productivity at work
Today's Small Losses:
  • Woke up late
  • Didn't manage to make plans for the weekend

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