Sunday, July 30, 2017

Day #77 - To a good start of the day!

It's a Sunday~!
Started the day with an hour of basketball to fulfill my exercise for the day.
Time for the other things~

Goals of the Day
  1. Exercise
    • Done
  2. At least 2 exercise from App Dev Course
    • Done
  3. Shop for my wedding shoot attire accessories
    • Done

Body started feeling weird after lunch.
My back hurts a bit also.
Probably due to the basketball earlier on.
I guess a long period of not exercising really dull my muscles a lot.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Exercised for 1 hour
  • Devoted time for my App Dev Course
  • Settled my wedding shoot attire purchase
  • Meditate (going to)
  • Quality time with Dearest
Today's Small Losses:
  • Body's condition

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