Thursday, September 27, 2018

Day #499 - Deliberation vs Acting

In relation to the book that I'm reading...

There is a point of maximum deliberation, and beyond this point, further deliberation is pointless.
Action must be taken to fulfill the aim of the deliberation.

Goals of the Day:
  • Physical Training after work
    • Achieved
  • Financial accounting for Aug
    • Not Achieved
  • [Office] Formulate plan for project F
    • Not Achieved
Did an IPPT trial after work with myself.
  • 2.4km Run: 11:30min (37 pts)
  • Push-ups: 36 (19 pts)
  • Sit-ups: 37 (20 pts)
Total Pts: 76 (Silver; $300)

Usually I would be able to do more push-ups and sit-ups during the actual test than in training, and I hope this would be true this Sat too. 
Borderline Silver is a bit dangerous too. 
I want that $!

Today's Small Wins:
  • Did IPPT trial after work
  • Did household chores
Today's Small Losses
  • Over-exerted myself during the IPPT trial; felt too weak to do anything after that
  • Things at work are not going smoothly; gotta work harder at it
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Being able to have a small gathering at work and eat mooncakes provided by my colleagues
  • Dearest patiently waiting 30 min for my pineapple rice at the new Thai stall

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