Monday, August 6, 2018

Day #447 - Discipline of Desire

Plan diligently,
Execute with discipline.

Goals of the Day:
  • Q2 Daily Planning
    • Achieved
  • Read for at least 30 min
    • Achieved
  • Housework (Iron for 30 min)
    • Not Achieved
  • Work on financial matters (port one bank's calculator from Gsheets to Excel)
    • Achieved
  • Meditate for 10 min
    • Achieved
Received news of someone leaving the team.
Felt a bit sad, but could also felt that something was amiss for sometime.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Read finished the book, "Outbreak"
  • Meditated
  • Leisure time with colleagues (playing Avalon)
  • Took time to talk to Dearest during this sensitive period for her
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't do main taks (housework, work on financial matters)
  • Slept late
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Some down time today at work
  • Being able to reach home in time for the delivery of the knife holder to be done

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