Monday, August 27, 2018

Day #468 - Getting Over Mistakes

Getting over mistakes, by correcting them.

Goals of the Day:
  • Q2 Daily Planning
    • Achieved
  • Q2 Weekly Planning
    • Achieved
  • Practise good habits (meditate, sleep on time)
    • Not Achieved
  • Book return flights
    • Not Achieved (decided to request change of 1-way to round-trip to see if this's possible)
  • Plan out dates for London trip
    • Achieved
Made a mistake of putting my phone in bed last night.
Dearest didn't have a restful night because I received some midnight messages and my phone vibrated.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Did Q2 Daily Planning
  • Did Q2 Weekly Planning
  • Got the dates restriction for London trip in Oct
  • Managed to get the heat stain off the wooden dining table (using baking soda + toothpaste)
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't manage to finish reading the journal paper for tml's work meeting
  • Didn't meditate and sleep on time
  • Cause Dearest to lose sleep
  • Accidentally left a heat stain mark on the wooden dining table
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Dearest emotional regulation
  • Time to do some cooking

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