Sunday, October 29, 2017

Day #168 - Full Day Focus!

Plan for a full day of focus today!

Goals of the Day:
  • Draft out changes from the online suggestions for NZ trip
    • Nearly done, around 80%
  • Shop for things needed for the trip
    • Achieved
  • Have a good discussion with Dearest for my birthday celebration
    • Achieved
  • Diary update with Dearest
    • Not achieved
  • Settle the problem with my Dell monitor 
    • Achieved
Had quite a tiring day, mainly focused on my NZ trip.
The shopping really drained me a lot.

Today's Small Wins:
  • NZ trip re-planning from suggestions
  • Got good equipment for my NZ trip
  • Had quality time with Dearest and planning for my birthday
  • Going to get a Dell monitor replacement because I spent the effort to send in all the required things
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't do weekly planning
  • Didn't manage to do diary update
  • Didn't wake up / sleep early
  • Didn't meditate

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