Sunday, October 1, 2017

Day #140 - Start of another month

It's the start of another month, and the start of the 4th Qtr of the year.

Goals of the Day:
  1. Quality time with Dearest
    • Done
  2. Plan for the week ahead
    1. Undone
  3. Settle the wedding ring design and order 
    • Done
  4. Mooncakes for Dearest's family
    • Done
I think I got too indulged in relaxing already.
Lots of things to do - wedding, renovation, NZ trip planning, blog, app learning

Today's Small Wins:
  • Wedding ring design is settled!
  • Quality time with Dearest
Today's Small Losses:
  • Spent time on gaming instead of work
  • Slept late and woke up late
  • Didn't do housework

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