Saturday, November 10, 2018

Day #543 - Wake Up With Determination, Go To Bed With Satisfaction

And this is what I will do today.

Yesterday was my division's CSR and annual Challenge.
It was still okay being the helper and being the acting captain for my house.

Goals of the Day:
  • Pack up BR3 fully
    • Almost Achieved (realized I have a 4th box)
  • Household chores (vaccum, iron, keep/fold clothes)
    • Achieved
  • Book buffet for 17th Nov
    • Achieved (pending confirmation)
  • Book Popsical rental
    • Achieved
  • Purchase stools/chairs
    • Not Achieved
Dearest decided to buy her fitbit tomorrow and rest today. 
So we didn't have a chance to go buy the stools. oh well~
But overall, still rather satisfied from being able to pack up BR3 =)
Clean house = Clean mind.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Packed up BR3 and tidied up study room
  • Did household chores diligently
  • Settled administration for upcoming housewarming
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't meditate
  • Didn't sleep early
  • Spent some time gaming on mobile
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • A good movie (IP Man 3; watched by myself, cause Dearest was out for the night)
  • Throat didn't worsen

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