Sunday, November 18, 2018

Day #551 - Cleaning Day

After spending time with our parents, it was a full day of cleaning after yesterday's housewarming party.

Goals of the Day:
  • Inform my mum's relatives on housewarming date
    • Not Achieved (but confirmed the date/time with Dearest and Mum)
  • Household chore
    • Achieved
  • Good habits (meditate + sleep on time)
    • Achieved for meditation
  • App Development mindmap
    • Achieved
Today's Small Wins:
  • Completed household chores with Dearest
  • Confirmed the date/time for housewarming date
  • Meditated for 5 min
  • Completed my App Development mindmap 
Today's Small Losses:
  • Slept late
  • Didn't spend much quality time with Dearest
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • A clean house
  • Being able to spend time with my parents
Goals of Week 46 (Review):
  • Make preparations for upcoming housewarming (e.g. purchase stools, clean up, etc)
    • Achieved, but most last min
  • Arrange for next housewarming with my relatives on 8th Dec
    • Not Achieved, but have confirmed date/time with Mum and Dearest
  • Career Planning mindmap for Financial Knowledge and App Development
    • Achieved
  • Exercise 3 times (excluding Badminton)
    • Not Achieved, body wasn't well enough to exercise
  • Comparison list for OEM
    • Not Achieved, to be done next week

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