Sunday, November 11, 2018

Day #544 - Grief Is Like The Ocean

It's saddening to hear news of grief.
But all we can do, is learn to swim in it.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Returned the luggage back to John and chatted for a while
  • Spent quality time with Mum and Dad
  • Managed to discuss CPF matters with Mum
  • Managed to plan and execute a surprise for Dearest on this special day (2nd Engagement-versary)
  • Packed up the 4th (and final) box in BR3
Today's Small Losses:
  • Slept late
  • Didn't meditate
  • Didn't fulfill all my weekly goals (around half)
Things I'm Grateful For Today:
  • The few months that she still have with us; no matter how limiting.
  • A smooth execution of the surprise for Dearest
Goals of Week 45 (Check):
  • Tidy up the house in preparation for the housewarming on 17th Nov
    • Achieved
  • Do up Career Planning for Financial Knowledge and App Development
    • Not Achieved
  • [Office] Project F - Work on the preliminary results to derive initial findings
    • Not Achieved
  • [Office] Project O - Short-term planning for study + Long-term planning for other part
    • Achieved 50%
  • Exercise at least 3 times
    • Achieved (2 times, but sick for the rest of the week)

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